Furry Critters with iPhones

I have come to the realization that I have way too many pics of hot guys on my iPod Touch that need to be used in some creative fashion….so here are some hairy hotties that I decided to incorporate into a Desktop Wallpaper design. I’ve been accumulating these pics for quite a while, but if my memory is correct….I’m pretty sure most of these sexy guys are from “Jack’d”, which is a social networking app for gay men. It is incredible to me how many beautiful men are out there šŸ™‚

App review: Censor Booth

There are plenty of apps that let you alter your pics with a fun collection of “stickers”, and this is one of them. To demo the app, I altered some hot screen grabs from my “Social Networking” apps.

Although this app is not unique in terms of type or function, it does offer a fun twist on the concept. There’s a good variety of “stickers” you can choose to censor a naughty pic, or make an innocent pic look like one that had to be censored.

Good functionality that includes saving your altered photo back to your phone, attaching to e-mail, our post to Facebook.

App Review: Flowpaper (for iPhone/iTouch)

I think Apps for drawing, photo manipulation, and design would have to be my favorite category.Ā Ā  Flowpaper is an App for making very interesting “line art” designs.Ā Ā  In the images below, I have layered these designs with hot guys using SketchBookX.Ā Ā Ā  I hope you like:
Dark Mystery
Hunk in white trunks
Where's Waldo?

Lusting after your friend’s friends on Facebook….is it a sin?

OK, I confess….every now and then I’ve just had to sneak a peek at profiles of people who areĀ connected to my friends on Facebook.Ā Ā Ā I’ve learned that some of my friends know some SERIOUS HOTTIES that I regret not knowing!Ā Ā  They say lust is a sin, and I’m guilty.Ā Ā  I have to imagine that this is pretty common…..isnt’ Facebook just aĀ way of being a cyber-voyeur?Ā  It’s really the perfect crime….you can peek into the lives of people you don’t even know….and they never know you’ve even been there….

Well this was my guilty pleasure today. Since I don’t know him personally…I’ve given him a little disguise via free app FriendPic:

Now you must understand that he has a very cute face….that’s not the reason I’m covering it up! It just doesn’t seem quite right to repost a picture from somebody else’s Facebook profile without obscuring the face at lease somewhat.

Here’s another pic I made with the same subject….made with a myriad of apps on my Itouch:

Sexy Devil

Of course I could do something much better on my desktop computer….but I think this is rather fun considering it was done entirely with Free Apps and my chubby finger on the tiny screen of a Itouch.

App Review: Fluid FX

It’s always a pleasant surprise to find fun apps that are free. Fluid FX comes loaded with fun effects you can apply to it’s pre-loaded images or to any image from your photo library. Have you ever wanted to set your boss on fire?…well now you can šŸ˜‰

The effects are in 3 basic categories: fire, smoke, and distortion. You can also take snapshots from the app back to your photo library…here’s some fun I had playing with Fluid FX:

App Reviews: Scruff and TrippingFest

For anyone that follows my blog, let me apologize for not making posting much this month….it’s been a crazy &Ā busy time for me lately, and there has been very little free time available for blogging.

I’ve been meaningĀ to write a review on a great Social Networking App availabeĀ in the App Store…it’s called Scruff.Ā Ā  Scruff’s functionalityĀ is very similar to Grindr, but for a different type of guy.Ā Ā  ForĀ a hairy forty-something guy like me, it’s a welcome entry to the growing number of apps designed for guys who want to use their mobile devices for cruising and chatting.Ā Ā  While the GrindrĀ universe is heavily populated by the young and beautiful (and those who are trying to score with that crowd),Ā  Scruff’s audience seems to have a higher average userĀ age and is definitelyĀ more hairy than the GrindrĀ crowd.Ā Ā  It does offer some unique functions that GrindrĀ w0uld be wise to imitate in their next version.Ā Ā In Scruff, you are not limited to viewing guys that are geographically closest to you.Ā Ā  You can browse users in other cities, which is really quite handy.Ā Ā  Suppose you are traveling to New York City tomorrow, and you’d like to preview guys there and start some chats before you leave home…just do a search of users in New York and get a head start.Ā Ā  That’s certainly something you can’t do with the current version of Grindr.Ā Ā  You can also click onĀ a tab to view guys online regardless of their location….kinda neat if you are just looking to chat and don’t care about close they are to your location.Ā  Of course you can view guys that are nearest to you, as in Grindr, but unlike Grindr, you can also see who has been viewing your profile.Ā  And finally, you can send somebody a “Woof”, just to let them know you think they’re hot, but you don’t have anything to say.Ā  It’s a great app, and if you like bears you should check it out.

TrippingFest is a fun app for drawing very cool geometric designs.Ā Ā  You can draw on a blank background, or you can draw over photos from your album.

Here are some hot guys I found on Scruff, with some designs addedĀ withTrippingFest.

Hot Bear in a Cold Climate

Hypnotize Me!

Some recent thoughts about online cruising PLUS your Furry Critters du Jour

After what seemed like several irritating weeks (or longer) of being frustrated by the lack of good prospects on Grindr, A4A (adam4adam.com), and other similar online chat/cruise sites, it would seem that maybe my luck has changed!Ā  I can’t quite explain why.Ā  Maybe the stars have realigned and favored my Zodiac sign with better luck in the “social networking” category.Ā  Maybe somebody spiked the local water supply with some Prozac.Ā  Perhaps I’m merely in a better frame of mind, and my newfound positivity is shining through my online chats.Ā  If it is the later, it would probabably be because my blogging buddy Greg of Superversity observed that my posts on Grindr were not creating a good impression of the app, begging the question of why I’m constantly banging my head on this proverbial “brick wall” called Grindr.Ā  I guess I do have the all-too-common tendancy of focusing on the negative aspects of something.Ā  For one thing, if I deleted Grindr from my ITouch, I wouldn’t enjoy the exquisite pleasure of finding local guys that look like this:

Recently seen on Grindr - love that Torso Fur!!!

But ICandy aside, I have been enjoying the pasttime of online cruising a lot more than usual in the last few days. Adam4Adam.com has particularly delivered of late, giving me some delightful prospects to ponder. I hope not to jinx this optimistic feeling I have about successfully satisfying my baser desires in the near future by writing of it in advance, but I feel that I am quite close to meeting the person attached to this must enticing set of furry buns:

And while I am more than excited just to have one hot option, I have also enjoyed a very nice chat with a guy via the app BoyAhoy that lives in the subdivision neighboring mine with whom there are some shared interests that may lead to a fun future meeting.Ā 

While this recent turn of events is making Ā my libido very happy, it still doesn’t give me anything favorable to report about Grindr beyond providing a wall of <mostly> good-looking guys to fuel my day dreams.Ā  I’ve yet to meet anyone via this app, and I’d still have to say that the majority of guys I’ve encountered there are significantly less than friendly or even minimally polite.Ā  I have learned to manage expectations in this app…if you expect people to be rude or unresponsive, then you can be pleasantly surprised when somebody isn’t.Ā  I find myself getting much less frustrated with the Grindr crowd by automatically abandoning the chat when somebody demands a pic in their first reply to a “hello”.Ā Ā  Perhaps if everyone did this, these rude offenders would start to learn a little about civility and online etiquette.

App Review: DoodleBuddy

DoodleBuddy is one of the apps I’ve had on my Itouch the longest, and if you ever need to entertain a small child with your IPhone or ITouch, this is a great one to have. In addition to freehand drawing capability, you get a nice bank of stamps to apply to your creations, or to an existing photo in your library. A feature unique to this app is that the stamps have sound effects that absolutely delighted my young nieces when I was recently entertaining them with my Itouch. The latest update added a text tool as well as speech/thought bubbles, which made a great enhancement to the original app. Another great feature with DoodleBuddy is a “smudge” tool, which is surprisingly absent (and missed), from some of my more sophisticated drawing apps.

Here is a little fun I had using DoodleBuddy on a Grindr profile:

iCandy du Jour

This blog entry combines 2 of my favorite pastimes, looking at beautiful men, and playing around with my photo manipulation apps!