The Demons you summoned are here…

What will they do for you (or to you)? 👹 Let your imagination run wild 😝

All of these were created on, which has easily become my favorite site for creating A.I. images. I haven’t encountered any “censorship” or “blocks” to the prompts I want to use, and there is a robust collection of different A.I. models that are available to try, including ones that can produce NSFW (not safe for work) images. 

I used the built-in Random Prompt generator, and then made some changes to the suggested prompt. Here is the first prompt I ran: (Masterpiece, Best Quality:1.3), highres, (8k resolution), madgod, horror, flying, hairy muscular demon, full angle view, hyperrealistic, full background:

Model: Midjourney V.10 – Stable

Sexy body, but I decided to tweak the prompt to the following: (Masterpiece, Best Quality:1.3), highres, (8k resolution), madgod, handsome, flying, hairy, muscular, red-skinned, demon, full angle view, hyperrealistic, full background,best quality:

Model: HMen Mix – v2.5

Not exactly what I’d call “Handsome”. The background also seemed weird for a Demon subject matter. I stuck with the same A.I. model as above, and added the following to prompt: “night scene, moonlit, horror genre”:

LOVE the background, but still not Handsome 🫤. I’ve read that putting parentheses around words or phrases in your prompt will emphasize them and give them higher priority in generating the image, so I gave that a try:

Cross between Demon and Incredible Hulk??

Still not getting quite what I want, so I try a different A.I. model I’ve had good results with in the past (Virile Fantasy – v1.1), and make more substantive changes to the Prompt: Handsome, hairy, muscular, red-skinned, demon, full angle view, hyperrealistic, full background,best quality, night scene, moonlit, mischievous expression. Which produces this:

Mischievous, but still not Handsome 😫

I switch the A.I. model to Virile Animation – v1.0. This model is from the same developer of Virile Fantasy, but “attempts to explore a more “drawn/anime” look”. I also emphasize Handsome by adding two sets of parentheses ((Handsome)), which gives me my favorite image of the whole series:

I did some editing in Sketchbook to correct some features that were bothering me (extra finger, irregular shaped Moon, wings not proportionate to body). I’m quite happy with this. I could picture an entire Comic Book series around this character! What should I name him?